Sarah Reynolds

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As Managing Partner of Goldman Ismail, Sarah acts as an arbitrator and represents technology and pharmaceutical companies before domestic and international arbitral bodies. Sarah is a former SVAMC CEO and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. She is named on the ICDR Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators, the British Virgin Islands Arbitration Center Panel of Arbitrators, and the Hong Kong Center for International Arbitration List of Arbitrators. Sarah is also cross-licensed in the United States (Illinois and California) and in England and Wales.



12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

07 March, 2024

When AI Meets ADR: Experts Discuss Appropriate Uses and Protocols for AI in Arbitrations

Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center

By request

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

By request

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At least one uppercase letter.
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Terms & Conditions

Updated at: 2/11/2023

By registering for Riyadh International Disputes Week 2024 (“RIDW24”), you agree and accept that:
  • Once paid, registration fees are not refundable, not cancellable, and not transferrable, and shall be exclusively valid for entry to RIDW24 only.
  • Any promotion (i.e. promotional codes) shall only be applied and is personal to the individual or entity to whom the promotion was provided. Any promotion shall not be transferrable and any individual or entity other than those to whom the promotion was provided are not eligible to apply or use such promotion.  For the avoidance of doubt, the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration and RIDW24 Organizing Committee reserve the right to deny and cancel registration and entry of any individual or entity that apply or use any promotion for which they are not eligible.  Any paid amounts are not refundable notwithstanding the denied or cancelled registrations.
  • By signing up for and attending any RIDW24 event, you agree and accept and waive any rights to object to any appearance on any media coverage in connection with such event including but not limited to photos, videos, or television, among others, whether directly by the Event Host or through any other media in attendance at the event.